About the Song: Meet Me Under the Mistletoe
Like a beautiful ornament taken out each year and hung on the tree, this song, written by my dear friend and long-time music colleague Gerry Grosz, has a timeless, classic sound. It’s romantic and poignant, innocent and hopeful; this song belongs in the Christmas standard repertoire.

About the Song: The Face of Need
“The Face of Need” was inspired by a houseless woman I often saw outside a coffee shop during my San Francisco commute. The song reflects on her daily struggles, society’s reactions, and the compassion that reveals our shared connection. It asks: “Did I look in her eyes as she tried to turn away? Did I look in her eyes as she tried to hide her pain?” If we can view her through eyes of love and compassion, we might see her pain—and see ourselves in her, recognizing that we are One with her in the Face of Need.

About the Song: Angels at Your Door
I dreamed of an old, wooden ship drifting in the ocean, carrying people who had lost everything. The ship was on fire and sinking. On the shorewas a towering, radiant beam of light. I had the distinct thought: this is an Angel. Guiding the people on the ship toward safety, comfort, and solace.

About the Song: I Doubted
In the only breakup song I’ve ever written, “I Doubted,” I struggle with faith: my marriage was over, and I doubted I would ever get past the pain. The idea of moving on and ‘forgetting’ it didn’t seem possible. But by the end of the song I did realize: even when it seems that you’re the only one…you’re not. You will get through this.

About the Song: I Think You Do
This song, “I Think You Do,” was originally written for a wedding many years ago. It’s a total Love Song, featuring lush, romantic harmony vocals and Dave MacNab’s absolutely gorgeous acoustic guitar solo. It’s perfect for walking down the aisle or the First Dance.

About the Song: “The Instrument You Are”
This song, “The Instrument You Are” came to me on one of the hundreds of days spent on the Sonoma Coast. The song celebrates our life’s journey as a melody, played by our body/mind/spirits during our lifetime….and the many opportunities we have to repeat the Song again and again, as we “enter singing” into each new incarnation. We are here to embrace each lifetime’s journey, to follow the signs that lead to growth and unity, and repeat – if needed – until we move to the higher density of love and understanding.

About the Song: “Casting”
Every song comes to me in its own way. “Casting” began as a simple, beautiful melody that I found myself playing on my guitar, almost without thinking. This melody became a meditation for me; each night, I would ask for the lyrics to come to me in my dreams. One night, they did. The dream scenes played out like a movie, with the melody as the soundtrack. When I woke, I wrote down the lyrics that vividly described these dream scenes, and they became the song, “Casting.”

About the Song: Fireflies
What a joyful experience to write and record this song, which features a wonderful string quartet arrangement by guitarist Dave MacNab. The video I created uses actual firefly footage that’s beautiful to behold. These tiny beacons Light our way on the path to the source of All that Is…all we can do is follow and try to hold their glow, gently, in our hands and in our hearts.

And A Good Time Was Had By All
Had a blast performing at the diRosa Center for Contemporary Art in Napa, CA on Sept. 17…thanks so much to

Review – Twist Run Road
You know, this is one of the most charming, heartwarming, unique, timeless, soothing but uplifting albums I ever remember hearing.